Syria’s new rulers said on Sunday that US sanctions on Syria were an obstacle to the war-torn country’s rapid recovery and urged Washington to lift them during a visit by Syrian officials to Qatar.“These sanctions constitute a barrier and an obstacle to the rapid recovery and development of the Syrian people who await services and partnerships from other countries,” Syria’s Foreign Minister Asaad Hassan al-Shibani told reporters after meeting with Qatar’s Prime Minister Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani, who also serves as foreign minister.“We reiterate our calls for the United States to lift these sanctions, which have now become against the Syrian people rather than what they previously were: imposed sanctions on the al-Assad regime,” he said.For all the latest headlines follow our Google News channel online or via the app.Al-Shibani, on his second foreign trip less than a month after former president Bashar al-Assad was ousted by opposition forces on Dec. 8, said that Qatar