The UAE’s DAMAC Properties plans to invest at least $20 billion in the US for data centers, President-elect Donald Trump announced on Tuesday.Hussain Sajwani, the founder of the Dubai-based luxury real estate developer, said the investment could be more if the opportunities in the market afford.For all the latest headlines, follow our Google News channel online or via the app.“We’ve been waiting four years to increase our investments in the US to a very large amount of money,” Sajwani said alongside Trump during a press conference in Florida.Sajwani said the $20 billion would go toward data centers catering to AI and cloud businesses.For his part, Trump said the investment would support “massive new data centers” across the US and “keep America on the cutting edge of technology.”Trump added: “Artificial intelligence is very big into the data centers, and that’s going to be a very hot item in the coming years.”Read more: Microsoft to invest $1.5 bln in UAE AI firm, take board seat