Lebanese President Joseph Aoun on Monday picked Nawaf Salam, the presiding judge at the International Court of Justice in The Hague, as prime minister following consultations with lawmakers, the presidency said.“The president of the republic called on Judge Nawaf Salam to task him with forming a government, knowing that he is currently abroad. It has been decided he will return tomorrow,” it said.Salam won enough support to become Lebanon’s next prime minister after a majority of lawmakers backed him for the post on Monday, a big blow to Hezbollah which accused opponents of working to exclude it.For all the latest headlines follow our Google News channel online or via the app.The support for Salam underlined the major shift in the power balance among Lebanon’s sectarian factions since the Shia group Hezbollah was pummeled in a war with Israel last year, and its Syrian ally Bashar al-Assad was toppled.Senior Hezbollah lawmaker Mohammed Raad, whose Iran-backed group had wanted incumbent