The Israeli military said it intercepted a projectile fired from Yemen on Monday before it entered Israeli territory, in the latest in a series of ongoing attacks.“One projectile launched from Yemen was intercepted by the IAF (Israeli air force) prior to crossing into Israeli territory,” the military said in a statement.For the latest updates on the Israel-Palestine conflict, visit our dedicated page.Yemen’s Houthis claimed the attack on Monday evening, saying they had launched a “hypersonic missile” at a target in “occupied Jaffa,” a reference to the Israeli commercial hub of Tel Aviv.The Houthis also said they had launched four drones towards the same region and pledged to continue their operations until “the end of the aggression against the Palestinians.”Earlier on Monday the military said it had intercepted a drone in southern Israel that was launched from Yemen.Since the war in Gaza broke out in October 2023, the Iran-backed Houthis, who control swathes of Yemen, have repeatedly