Syria’s foreign minister said he would visit Turkey on Wednesday on the first official trip to the country since the opposition toppled president Bashar al-Assad last month.“We will represent the new Syria tomorrow in the first official visit to the Turkish republic, which has not abandoned the Syrian people for 14 years,” interim Foreign Minister Asaad al-Shaibani said on Tuesday on X.Turkey backed armed groups fighting al-Assad’s forces after civil war broke out in 2011, triggered by the brutal repression of anti-government protests.For all the latest headlines follow our Google News channel online or via the app.It has maintained a working relationship with the “Hayat Tahrir al-Sham” who spearheaded the offensive that ousted al-Assad, now giving it a direct line to Damascus.Syria’s northern neighbor is home to nearly three million Syrians who fled their country after the start of the conflict, and al-Assad’s overthrow has raised hopes that many will go back.The head of Syria’s