Iranian President Masoud Pezeshkian said Iran was not seeking “nuclear weaponry” and warned US President-elect Donald Trump against risking “war” with the Islamic republic, according to a US televised interview broadcast Tuesday.“I do hope that Trump will conduce to peace in the region and the world not, conversely, contribute to bloodshed or war,” Pezeshkian said in an interview with NBC News, less than a week before Trump returns to the White House.For all the latest headlines follow our Google News channel online or via the app.Washington has not maintained formal diplomatic relations with Tehran for nearly 45 years, and Trump threatened during his recent presidential campaign that US ally Israel could strike Iranian nuclear facilities.“We will react to any action. We do not fear war, but we do not seek it,” Pezeshkian said about the prospect of US-endorsed Israeli military strikes on Iran’s nuclear sites.Iran’s foreign minister Abbas Araghchi reported Tuesday that European powers