Senior Hamas leader Sami Abu Zuhri said on Thursday there was “no basis” to Israeli allegations the Palestinian militant group was backtracking on elements of the Gaza ceasefire and hostage release deal announced the day before.“There is no basis to (Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin) Netanyahu’s claims about the movement backtracking from terms in the ceasefire agreement,” Abu Zuhri told AFP.Earlier on Thursday, Israel accused Hamas of backtracking on parts of the Gaza ceasefire deal announced a day earlier, and said cabinet will not meet on the deal until Hamas’s agreement is confirmed.“Hamas has reneged on parts of the agreement reached with the mediators and Israel in an effort to extort last-minute concessions,” Netanyahu’s office said in a statement, adding the situation created a “last minute crisis.”It did not specify which parts of the deal were at issue.For the latest updates on the Israel-Palestine conflict, visit our dedicated page.The statement added that the Israeli cabinet