Two judges were killed in a shooting attack on Saturday at the Supreme Court building in Tehran, state media reported.“This morning, a gunman infiltrated the Supreme Court in a planned act of assassination of two brave and experienced judges. The two judges were martyred in the act,” the judiciary’s Mizan Online website reported.Mizan said the assailant “killed himself” after the shootings.State news agency IRNA also reported that one other person was injured in the attack.Mizan identified the two slain judges as Ali Razini and Mohammad Moghisseh, adding that they worked on cases “fighting crimes against national security, espionage and terrorism.”For all the latest headlines, follow our Google News channel online or via the app.Judiciary spokesman Asghar Jahangir said on state television later on Saturday that “a person armed with a handgun entered the room” of the two judges and shot them.The motive behind their killing were not immediately clear, but Mizan said the assailant was not