The CEO of the Kingdom Holding Company (KHC), Saudi Arabia’s Prince Alwaleed bin Talal’s investment company, told Al Arabiya Business on Wednesday that the company is interested in investing in TikTok if Elon Musk or others offered.“If Musk, or others, offered, we would have an interest in looking into this investment no doubt,” KHC CEO Talal al-Maiman told Al Arabiya Business on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum in Davos.For more Saudi news, visit our dedicated page.KHC also holds stakes in Musk’s X and xAI.The future of TikTok, the Chinese-owned short-video social media application, remained unclear after it was saved by US President Donald Trump, who revived the app after going dark.Trump signed an executive order delaying the enforcement of a ban on it by 75 days. The law cited national security to say the Chinese owner ByteDance should sell it or face a ban in the US.To save the company’s US operations, Trump also floated the idea of a 50-50 partnership between the United