Saudi Arabia’s top diplomat landed in Beirut on Thursday to meet the country’s new leadership, marking the first visit of its kind in nearly 15 years.“The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Prince Faisal bin Farhan, arrived at Rafic Hariri International Airport,” Lebanon’s official National News Agency reported.He is set to meet Lebanon’s newly elected President Joseph Aoun – whose candidacy is widely believed to have been backed by the Gulf and Western countries.For all the latest headlines follow our Google News channel online or via the app.Reeling from years of economic collapse and a devastating Israel-Hezbollah war, Lebanese leaders have pinned hopes on Gulf states for desperately needed reconstruction funds.Prior to his visit, Prince Faisal said Aoun’s election was “extremely positive,” but said the Kingdom was waiting to see real change before engaging further with Beirut.Riyadh was a major investor in Lebanon but ties between the two countries have