We live in a high crime society.  Nobody can dispute that fact, and it has been this way for a long time.  But the crime wave that we have witnessed in recent years has been truly breathtaking.  Tens of thousands of gangs are running wild in our major urban areas, and the growth of those gangs has been supercharged during the past four years thanks to the reckless border policies of the Biden administration.  Now we have rampant lawlessness in our streets, and it certainly isn’t going to be easy to clean up this mess. The following are 15 facts about the growth of crime in the United States that will blow your mind… #1 The number of shoplifting incidents per year in the United States is up 93 percent compared to pre-pandemic levels… The average number of shoplifting incidents jumped 93% in 2023 compared with pre-pandemic times and monetary losses for retailers have risen 90%, according to the nation’s largest retail trade group. With its “Impact of Retail Theft & Violence 2024” study, the National Retail Federation (NRF) is highlighting the severity of this issue. For instance, despite the continuous efforts by retailers to combat such crimes and a growing number of […]