A video circulating on social media that depicts an Emirates A380 crash is fabricated content and untrue, the airline said on Saturday. “We are in contact with the various social media platforms to remove the video or make clear that it is digitally created footage to avoid false and alarming information from circulating,” it added. As of January 2025, Emirates operates a fleet of 116 Airbus A380 aircraft, making it the largest operator of this model worldwide. Responses from social media platforms to content review requests are not quick enough, Emirates said in its statement. The airline, which did not specify when the video circulated or on which platforms, emphasised that safety is core to its operations. It added that it deals with such matters with “utmost seriousness”. “We urge all audiences to always check and refer to official sources,” it said. A380 safety record Since entering into service in 2007, the Airbus A380 has established an impressive safety record. As the world’s largest passenger airliner, the A380 has undergone rigorous testing and certification processes to ensure its safety. The A380’s safety record is supported by its consistent performance in airline service. It has been operated by many leading airlines […]