The High Labour Court has ruled in favour of an employee who was unfairly dismissed, assaulted, and threatened by his employer. The High Labour Court ordered the company to pay substantial compensation to the employee for wrongful termination, assault, and other related damages. The case involved a marketing administrator who was employed by a company under a fixed-term contract starting November 29, 2023, with a monthly salary of 150 Bahraini dinars plus a 50-dinar housing allowance. His lawyer, Sadiqa Al Mawali, detailed how the company terminated his employment on May 20, 2024, without justification or prior notice. Furthermore, the employer booked a flight ticket for the employee to return to his home country. When the employee refused, the employer physically assaulted him and sent threatening text messages. The court noted that a criminal conviction had already been issued against the employer for this assault. The employer filed a countersuit, claiming the employee had resigned and provided a document alleging the employee acknowledged receiving his full salary until December 2023. The employer also claimed the employee had used up his annual leave and that the company had issued absence notices before the employee’s departure. The company maintained that the employee had […]