Two teenagers died after a vehicle hit their motorcycle in Ras Al Khaimah on Saturday, the Emirate’s police have confirmed. According to the force, the girls were aged 14 and 15. They were riding their bike on an internal road when the car hit them from behind. The police said distracted driving caused the accident, adding that the car’s 37-year-old driver has been arrested. On being alerted about the accident, police patrols and paramedics rushed to the spot, but the girls had died by then due to the critical injuries they sustained in the crash. Distracted driving is among the major causes of deadly crashes in the UAE, accounting for about 25 per cent of all road fatalities in the country. The traffic offence is punishable by a Dh800 fine and four black points. The RAK Police have urged drivers to avoid all forms of distractions while driving, warning of potential accidents that they could result in. According to the traffic awareness platform RoadSafetyUAE, distractions include looking after children, texting, talking on the phone or to a passenger, eating, or reading. “All distractions compromise the safety of the driver, passengers, pedestrians and those in other vehicles.”