Saudi Arabia said Tuesday it had executed a citizen convicted on terror charges including attacking security forces. The kingdom’s Interior Ministry said the convict, identified as Ali bin Abdul Jalil bin Mansour, had perpetrated several terrorist crimes. He had attacked security men, shot at them several times with the intention of killing them, financed terrorist operations through money laundry and sold arms. He was arrested, interrogated and charged with perpetrating the crimes, the ministry added. He was referred to a specialised court that sentenced him to death. The ruling was later upheld and approved by a royal decree. The execution was carried out Tuesday in the Eastern Province, the ministry said. Saudi Arabia applies the death penalty against convicts in cases of murder, involvement in terrorism as well as drug smuggling and trafficking. Last week, another Saudi man was executed for involvement in several terror acts. The Interior Ministry said the convict, identified as Abdullah bin Ahmad, committed terrorist crimes, including joining a terrorist entity, travelling abroad to join a terrorist camp to train in manufacturing and using explosives. After returning to the kingdom, he began explosive making targeting security personnel, and financing terrorist acts. Similarly, two Saudi men were […]