Messaging platform WhatsApp has launched the ‘Lists’ feature for its UAE users today. With this feature, WhatsApp users can filter their chats into custom categories of their choice. Lists can be created for families, work colleagues, friends, or even neighborhoods, helping users focus on those that are most important when needed. The lists can be created and edited by tapping the + in the filter bar at the top of your Chats tab, or edited by long-pressing a list. Similar to ‘Favorites’, users can add both groups and one-on-one chats to a list, and any list they create will appear in the filter bar. The lists feature was rolled out by the entity on October 31, 2024, to help its users focus more on the people and conversations that matter most to them. Default Lists There are four default lists available for users. They are as follows: Lists Feature: The functioning explained When selected, lists are highlighted in green. The lists remain applied until users change the filter view or exit and reopen WhatsApp. However, it should be noted that chats cannot be reorganized within the All, Unread, or Groups categories. The contacts added as favorites appear in the Chats tab, the Favorites […]