Geographic reasons make this a practical necessity if he wants to restore the US’ military presence at Bagram Airbase and/or return some of the equipment that Biden left there during the withdrawal. Trump surprised many when he recently declared that he wants to restore the US’ military presence at Afghanistan’s Bagram Airbase and return some of the equipment that Biden left during the withdrawal.  He justified the first on the basis that it’s just one hour away from where China makes (likely meaning bases) its nuclear weapons and claimed that it now allegedly occupies Bagram. The second, meanwhile, was justified due to the dangers presented by the Taliban selling this equipment to other groups. Trump also expressed frustration that the US is allegedly spending billions of dollars each year helping to keep Afghanistan afloat.  Even if he successfully leverages foreign aid in advance of these interconnected military-strategic goals, which might be counterproductive if China replaces lost American support to entrench its influence in Afghanistan, then he’ll still likely have to cut a deal with Pakistan.  That’s because the most viable way for the US to access Afghanistan is from its traditional partner’s airspace and roads. The problem though is that a growing number of issues have begun […]