Saihi takes part, in Geneva, in works of executive office of Arab Health Ministers Council

ALGIERS- Minister of Health Abdelhak Saihi took part Saturday, at the headquarters of the Arab League Mission in Geneva, in the works of the executive office of the Arab Health Ministers Council, as part of Algeria’s presidency of the 59th session of the Council, the ministry said Sunday in a statement.

[ecr]   In a statement made at the opening of this meeting’s works, held on the sidelines of the 76th general assembly of the World Health Organization in Geneva, to examine the recommendations of the Council’s consultative technical committee, Saihi affirmed that “the in-depth discussions and valuable recommendations” are on the agenda of this session.

These recommendations, added the minister, “reflect the common willingness to make a positive change in light of major challenges faced by our Arab world,” affirming “the need to work, in close collaboration and in full coordination, to achieve the expected progress."

“The active and constructive participation of the members of the executive office in this meeting will have a key role in the achievement of shared objectives and improvement of the health situation in our Arab region, especially as several essential points will be discussed, including the health conditions in the occupied Palestinian territories and the need for the Council of the Arab Health Ministers to speak in one voice at the 76th session of the World Health Assembly,” he added.   [/ecr]