NASA delegation visits USTHB

ALGIERS-A delegation from the US government agency NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) paid a visit on Tuesday to the Houari-Boumediene University of Sciences and Technology (USTHB), in anticipation of collaboration between scientists and researchers from the two countries in various fields.  


The meeting is part of the NASA-Land-Cover and Land-Use Change (LCLUC) program, which focuses on urbanization, deforestation, agricultural expansion, desertification, detection and monitoring of active fires, and the impact of these changes on air and water pollution, atmospheric carbon loss, food security issues, water scarcity, loss of productive land, dust storms, healthcare and migration.

In this respect, the Chief Scientist of the NASA delegation, Dr Sid Ahmed Boukabara, Senior Scientist of the Strategy Program of the Earth Sciences Division, stressed that “this visit aims to explore and then to plan collaboration between scientists and researchers from both countries in the fields of climate change and their impact on energy, water and agriculture.”

For his part, the USTHB Rector, Prof. Djamel-Eddine Akretche expressed the hope that “these exchanges will have a positive impact on the development of space technologies, particularly in terms of climate change, water and agriculture.

“These meetings will enable our researchers and doctoral students to benefit from expertise and develop their knowledge to serve the country," he said.[/ecr]