WASHINGTON, Feb 21 (KUNA) -- The US Department of Defense said it will cut workforce by at least 5,400 employees starting next week.
"We anticipate reducing the Department's civilian workforce by 5-8 percent to produce efficiencies and refocus the Department on the President's priorities and restoring readiness in the force," the Pentagon said in a statement.
"We expect approximately 5,400 probationary workers will be released beginning next week as part of this initial effort, after which we will implement a hiring freeze while we conduct a further analysis of our personnel needs, complying as always with all applicable laws."
It affirmed that the move comes in consistent with the President's initiative to reform the Federal workforce to maximize efficiency and productivity.
"This re-evaluation of probationary employees is being done across government, not just at the Defense Department, but we believe in the goals of the program, and our leaders are carrying out that review carefully and smartly," it argued.
It went on to say "it is simply not in the public interest to retain individuals whose contributions are not mission-critical. Taxpayers deserve to have us take a thorough look at our workforce top-to-bottom to see where we can eliminate redundancies."
The Department of Defense promised to treat sacked workers with dignity and respect.
"Those who commit themselves to defending our nation deserve nothing less," it said. (end)