RIYADH, Feb 27 (KUNA) -- Secretary General of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Jassem Al-Budaiwi expressed his strong condemnation and denunciation of the attacks launched by the Israeli occupation forces on several locations in Syria.
In a statement on Thursday, he affirmed that these continuous aggression constitute a blatant violation of international agreements and laws, and threaten the security and stability of the region.
Al-Budaiwi added that these repeated attacks by the Israeli occupation forces confirm their persistent approach in undermining peace opportunities and destabilizing the region.
He underscored the importance of the international community taking urgent and decisive action to put an end to these blatant violations and prevent the exacerbation of tensions that threaten regional and international security.
He also affirmed the 46th Extraordinary GCC Ministerial Meeting's statement condemning Israel's repeated attacks on Syria, including its occupation of the buffer zone, violating Syrian sovereignty and the 1974 Disengagement Agreement.
He stressed the need for the Israeli occupation forces to withdraw from all occupied Syrian territories and respect all relevant Security Council resolutions. (end)