Some 120 people are confirmed dead and just two people - both flight crew - rescued, South Korea's fire agency said Sunday, after a Jeju Air plane crashed on landing with 181 people on board.“So far two rescued, 120 confirmed dead,” the National Fire Agency said in a statement, with the search and rescue operation ongoing.Jeju Air flight 7C2216, arriving from the Thai capital Bangkok with 181 people on board, was attempting to land shortly after 9 a.m. (0000 GMT) at the airport in the south of the country, South Korea’s transport ministry said.For all the latest headlines, follow our Google News channel online or via the app.The ministry also confirmed the casualties in the deadliest air accident involving a South Korean airline in nearly three decades.Two crew members, a man and a woman, were rescued from the tail section of the burning plane, Muan fire chief Lee Jung-hyun told a briefing. The fire was extinguished by 1 p.m., Lee said.“Only the tail part retains a little bit of shape,