The Israeli military said Friday that its air force had struck Houthi targets in Yemen, including a power station and ports on the western coast.“A short while ago... fighter jets struck military targets belonging to the Houthi terrorist regime on the western coast and inland Yemen,” the military said in a statement, adding the strikes were in retaliation for Houthi rocket launches into Israel.Earlier on Friday, Al Masirah TV, the main television news outlet run by the Houthis said airstrikes targeted the Hezyaz power station in Sanaa.For all the latest headlines follow our Google News channel online or via the app.The Houthis have repeatedly fired drones and missiles toward Israel and launched attacks on international shipping in waters near Yemen since November 2023, in support of the Palestinians over Israel’s war with Hamas.Israel has responded with airstrikes, as have Britain and the United States.Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said last month Israel was only at the